56 Pine Hill Rd, Berwick, ME 03901

Sold: $214,000 (10-26-2016)

56 Pine Hill Rd, Berwick, ME 03901
  • hotel 0
  • hot_tub 0
  • grid_on 2,037sqft

Spacious two family duplex just minutes from downtown Berwick - Each unit has a private entrance, eat-in kitchen, wood floors, two bedrooms and a full bath - Separate parking areas for each unit as well as a small private lawn - The original barn adds approx. 800sq ft of storage space. Building is for sale with two additional lots (subdivided).

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If this is your property, these agents can help you sell it

Carol Goodwin
phone (207) 432-0254
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Mary Beth Hixon
phone (603) 548-5380
Agent details
Bill Somerset
phone (603) 512-5971
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